Available from Plastics Direct in full, cut to size and fabricated sheets
The sheets measure 2440mm x 1220mm x 19mm and weigh 32kg each.
A sustainable alternative to imported plywood made from 100% mixed waste plastic. Storm Board™ is operationally, commercially and environmentally a superior choice. The sheets are manufactured from low-grade, mixed waste-plastics – materials which are notoriously hard to recycle and therefore invariably end up being land-filled or incinerated. They are strong, rigid, and will not rot so are perfect for outdoor use. No painting or treatment is required to protect the sheets, but the sheets can be painted. The sheets offer high fixing strength and can be nailed, screwed and glued, and the sheeting can be cut without splinters etc. Cut edges do not need to be resealed. Bulk discounts available on request , Contact plastics Direct sales team today to start saving money and looking after the environment. sales@plasticsdirect.co.uk
Bulk discount available on request